
税 & 激励

Houston offers a highly competitive business environment at a favorable cost. 该地区在企业搬迁和扩张方面处于全国领先地位,这在很大程度上要归功于其支持增长的态度. 州和地方的激励措施以及优惠的税收结构使该地区成为吸引各种规模公司开展皇冠HGA010官方下载的地方. 


Texas and Houston understand the need for a stable, business-friendly and transparent tax structure. 德克萨斯州是少数几个没有州长的州之一, 州或公司所得税, which makes the cost of doing business very competitive. 休斯顿具有成本效益的税收结构使其成为任何希望建立皇冠HGA010官方下载或扩大现有足迹的公司的首选地点. +, the personal tax burden in the Houston area consistently ranks among the lowest in the nation, which makes it an attractive place for people of all backgrounds to live and work.

Houston’s tax structure makes it a low-cost center for doing business

State Incentives

A range of local and state incentives are available to qualifying companies in the Houston area to support new, 扩大和搬迁公司. 合作伙伴关系可以帮助您确定最适合您的搬迁和/或扩张的潜在经济激励措施, and facilitate the incentives process with local and state leadership. 德克萨斯州通过向在该州创造就业和推动创新的公司提供有竞争力的激励措施,投资于该州的未来. This section summarizes some of the most commonly used state offerings administered by the Office of the Governor, 经济发展与旅游业.

德州企业基金(TEF), 全美最大的交易完成基金之一, 是一种基于绩效的现金补助,用于提供重大的就业机会和资本投资的合格项目,其中德克萨斯州的一个地点与另一个可行的州外选择(现金激励)竞争。. 

技能发展基金(SDF)赠款用于帮助公司与当地州立社区学院和技术学校建立伙伴关系,为新员工或现有员工提供定制的职业培训. Average training costs is $1,800 per trainee and is administered by the Texas 劳动力 Commission. 员工少于100人的企业也可以通过小企业技能计划(劳动力激励)申请该计划。. 



这一激励措施可能会提供给那些正在决策过程中搬迁或扩大其皇冠HGA010官方下载到德克萨斯州的合格企业. 它还允许合格企业的员工和家庭成员,如果个人向德克萨斯州的高等教育机构提交文件,则尚未在德克萨斯州设立办事处,可以支付州内学费.

TCEQ and the Office of the Governor have established a relationship to assist companies, 哪些项目可能会在环境许可程序中出现毫无根据的延误,而这些项目可能会影响创造就业机会或产生重大经济影响.

在职培训 (OJT) offers participants an opportunity to earn as they learn, while employers benefit from a partial wage reimbursement during the training period.  OJT专注于涉及新技术的工作, 生产, 全职职位的服务或额外技能(每周30小时被视为全职),报酬至少为12美元.每小时00美元或更多. 

州税 & 融资的激励

德克萨斯州企业区计划(EZP)是一项潜在的销售和使用退税,基于在指定期间与合格商业场所相关的新工作和保留工作. 社区 may nominate projects for an EZP designation, and projects are awarded by the Governor’s Office during quarterly competitive rounds.

租赁或购买的机器, 设备, 替换零件, and accessories that are used or consumed in the manufacturing, 处理, 捏造, or repairing of tangible personal property for ultimate sale, 是否免缴州和地方的销售税和使用税.


Companies that use more than 50 percent of their utilities in the manufacturing, 处理, or 捏造 of products for resale may apply for a sales tax exemption of their utilities.

Texas provides 100 percent exemption on sales tax for computers, 设备, 冷却系统, 电力基础设施, electricity and fuel for data centers meeting the minimum thresholds of $200 million in capital investment, 新增20个工作岗位, and a salary at least 120 percent of the county average salary.


Designed to help Texas small manufacturing companies remain competitive in the ever changing global marketplace. The TMAC center provides technical assistance at a discounted rate for process improvements, 环保法规升级, 技术和市场的变化.

Property tax abatements are available to companies with facilities, 设备, 以及用于控制空气的设备, 水, 或者土地污染. Companies can apply to the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality.

专门从事制造业的公司, 销售, or installing solar or wind 设备 are exempt from the Texas franchise tax. 其他安装太阳能或风能系统的企业有资格获得系统成本10%的特许经营税收减免.

住宅, 商业, and industrial renewable energy 设备 are exempt from Texas property taxes. This exemption is applicable to most renewable technologies, including solar, wind, and biomass.

PACE旨在提供低成本, 为商业和工业物业的用水和皇冠HGA010官方下载效率及节能改善提供长期融资. Property owners can evaluate measures that achieve energy savings improvements or retrofits and receive financing, 作为建筑物的估价偿还.

工业收入债券s provide tax-exempt or taxable financing for eligible industrial or manufacturing projects, 考虑到城市, 县, 保育及填海地区得代表其成立非牟利工业发展法人或管理机构.


There are a number of local incentive programs available to companies looking to invest in the Houston region.


These discretionary incentives typically take the form of property tax abatements, 贷款或补助金, 对基础设施的承诺, or payments of portions of the sales tax generated by the project. Negotiations on these incentives between the local jurisdiction and the developer occur on a case by case basis. 第380章是专门为城市使用的,而第381章是专门为县级政府使用的. These agreements can be used in tandem for the same project.

市政当局可以通过专门用于经济发展的地方销售和使用税分配提供现金奖励(A类和B类销售税)。. 税收收入有两种形式, 最初的4A税和更灵活的4B税, are used to finance economic development programs and projects that create primary (or direct) jobs.

对外贸易区s (FTZ’s) allow companies dealing in foreign trade to delay payment of U.S. Custom’s import duties until their goods and 商品 actually enter U.S. 商务. Goods can be brought into 对外贸易区s (FTZ) without formal U.S. 海关入境或不招致美国罚款.S. Customs duties or excise taxes unless and until they are imported into the United States. Ad valorem taxes on inventory may be exempt in some zones, upon approval of the FTZ sponsor.

许多城市, 县 and school districts in the Houston region have adopted the 免征自由港税, exempting ad valorem property taxes for any inventory exported outside the state within 175 days. 自由港财产包括货物, 商品, 商品, ores and certain aircraft and aircraft parts in jurisdictions who opt-in.

德克萨斯州的少数税收实体已经采用了库存中的在途货物直接或间接所有权权益. 要符合资格, 存货必须运送到另一个地点, 在州内或州外, within 175 days after the items were acquired or imported into the state.

机会区是低收入人口普查区, as determined within New Markets Tax Credits legislation, that was designated by the governor of the state or territory in which the zone is located. These zones are typically in an economically-distressed community where new investments, 在特定的条件下, 可以享受税收优惠待遇吗.

一种评估价值限制协议,在该协议中,纳税人同意建造或安装财产并创造就业机会,以换取对学区维护和运营的应税财产价值的限制&O)税收目的和税收抵免. 最低限制值因学区而异.



休斯顿地区由12个独特的县组成, each offering ideal environments for a range of industry sectors.




Houston offers a highly educated and ever-growing workforce skilled in both traditional and emerging industries.

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